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Journal and Proceedings Publications

Some of the Published Publications 

1. M., Alazawi, The Application of Eye-Tracking in Consumer Behaviour, International Journal of Engineering & Technology 8 (1), 83-86, 2019

2. M. H. Abdulameer, D. Mohammed, S. A. Mohammed, M. Al-azawi, Y. M. H. Al-mayali, and I. A. Alameri, “FACE RECOGNITION TECHNIQUE BASED ON ADAPTIVE-OPPOSITION PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION ( AOPSO ) AND SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE ( SVM ),” ARPN J. Eng. Appl. Sci., vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 2259–2266, 2018.

3. Mohammad Al-Azawi, “Computational Intelligence-based Semantic Image Background Identification using Colour-Texture Feature”, January 2018, International Journal of Computer Applications 180(10):27-31, DOI, 10.5120/ijca2018916165, 2018

4. Mohammad Al-Azawi, Yingjie Yang, Howell Istance: Irregularity-Based Image Region Saliency Identification and Evaluation. Multimedia Tools and Applications, DOI: 10.1007/s11042-014-2248-z Springer 11/2016;

5. Mohammad Al-Azawi: Image Thresholding using Histogram Fuzzy Approximation. International Journal of Computer Applications 12/2013; 83(9):36-40.

6. Mohammad A N Al-Azawi: Neural Network Based Automatic Traffic Signs Recognition. International Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (IJDIWC). 01/2012; 4(1):789-802.

7. Mohammad A. N. Al-Azawi: Automatic Stereo image matching using Line detection. Journal of Environment and Engineering, 01/2002;

8. Mohammad Al-Azawi, “Saliency-Based Image Retrieval using Colour Histogram Feature”, IEEE EECCMC: International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Computers, Communication, Mechanical and Computing, Jan, 2018.

9. Mohammad Al-Azawi, “Human Visual Attention and Machine Vision Computational Saliency”, IEEE EECCMC: International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Computers, Communication, Mechanical and Computing, Jan, 2018.

10. Mohammad A. N. Al-Azawi, Yingjie Yang, Howell Istance: A New Gaze Points Agglomerative Clustering Algorithm and Its Application in Regions of Interest Extraction. IEEE IACC 2014, ITM University; 02/2014

11. Mohammad A N Al-Azawi, "A New Edge Intersection-Based Salient points extraction and its application in computer vision," in NCBIT2014 , Massana-Oman, 2014.


13. Mohammad A N Al-Azawi, Y. Yang and H. Istance, "Irregularity-Based Saliency Identification and Evaluation," in IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research, Madurai, 2013.

14. Mohammad A N Al-Azawi: Human Attention Application in Image Retrieving: A new Clustering Technique. FoT RSS, DMU, UK, Leicester, UK; 07/2013

15. Mohammad A. N. Al-Azawi: Constructing an E-Archive System and Its Role in Improving Document Management. ICKMARS-2012; International Conference on Knowledge Management and Resource Sharing, Muscat, Oman, Feb., 2012; 01/2012

16. Mohammad A. N. Al-Azawi: Automatic Stereo Image Matching using Edge Detection. citation: International Archive of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, April /1996 Vienna Austria; 01/1996.

17. Al-Azawi, M., & Yang, Y. I. (2015). Human Attention-Based Image Regions of Interest Extraction Using Computational Intelligence. 8th. IEEE GCC Conference & Exhibition. Muscat.

18. British Library ETHOS

19. A New Approach to Automatic Saliency Identification in Images Based on Irregularity of Regions

20.  M. Al-Azawi, Saliency Identification as a Computational Model of Human Visual Attention, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 9 (3), 3348- 3360, 2020

21. M. A. N. Al-Azawi, “Saliency-Based Image Retrieval as a Refinement to Content-Based Image Retrieval,” ELCVIA Electron. Lett. Comput. Vis. Image Anal., vol. 20, no. 1, p. 1, Jan. 2021, doi: 10.5565/rev/elcvia.1325.   

22. Al-Azawi, Mohammad A. N., TRANSFERRING TO EMERGENCY REMOTE TEACHING: OPPORTUNITY, CHALLENGES, AND RISKS, Abstracts & Proceedings of INTCESS 2021- 8th International Conference on Education and Education of Social Sciences, 18-19 January, 2021, ISBN: 978-605-06286-1-6, 

23. M. A. N. AL-AZAWİ, “TRANSFERRING TO EMERGENCY REMOTE TEACHING: OPPORTUNITY, CHALLENGES, AND RISKS,” IJASOS- Int. E-journal Adv. Soc. Sci., vol. VII, no. 19, pp. 146–152, Apr. 2021, doi: 10.18769/ijasos.876866.

24  Mohammad Al-Azawi. Saliency-Based Brain Abnormality Identification in Magnetic Resonance Images (2021). Scientific Visualization 13.2: 24 - 49, DOI: 10.26583/sv.13.2.03
25-Mohammad Al-Azawi, Two-stage salient object identification and segmentation based on irregularity, Multimedia tools and Applications / Springer/ 16/8/2021/ doi:

26. M. Al-Azawi, Mutual Information-Based Optimum Metrics Identification in Symmetry-Based Brain Abnormality Detection, August 2021Journal of Physics Conference Series 1998(1):012012 DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1998/1/012012

27.  M. Al-Azawi, “Symmetry-Based Brain Abnormality Detection Using Machine Learning,” Intel. Artif., vol. 24, no. 68, pp. 138–150, Jan. 2022, doi: 10.4114/intartif.vol24iss68pp138-150

28- Al-Azawi, M.A.N. (2022). Identifying the Most Frequently Used Words in Spam Mail Using Random Forest Classifier and Mutual Information Content. In: Verma, P., Charan, C., Fernando, X., Ganesan, S. (eds) Advances in Data Computing, Communication and Security. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol 106. Springer, Singapore.

29 - Al-Azawi, M.A.N. Symmetry-based brain abnormality identification in Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI). Multimed Tools Appl (2022).