Mohammad Al-Azawi
This website includes information about Dr Mohammad Al-Azawi, including, research interests, publications, teaching materials and other information
Presenting a Seminar at DMU - UK
A New Algorithm for Data Clustering and its Application in Eye Tracking Systems Faculty of Technology - De Montfort University, UK
Keynote Speaker at an IEEE Conference
International conference on electrical, Electronics, Computers, Communication, Mechanical and Computing
Keynote Speaker at IEEE AI Conference
International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research. sponsored by IEEE

Mohammad Al-Azawi
PhD, MPhil, MSc. BSc. Eng.
Dr Mohammad Alazawi is Associate Prof. in Computer Science and Engineering. He worked as Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs at OCMT. He has MPhil & PhD in Computational Intelligence from De Montfort University/UK, in additional to his BSc and MSc in Computer Engineering. He has over 16 years of teaching experience. & has published many papers in leading journals and participated in many international Conferences. He is a reviewer and editor for many journals and conferences. His research interests: applying human intelligence on machine vision and AI.
- PhD: Artificial Intelligence De Montfort University, UK
- MPhil: Artificial Intelligence De Montfort University, UK
- MSc. Computer and Control Engineering, Baghdad Un.
- BSc. Electrical Engineering, Mustansiriyah Un
Accounts and Profiles
Memberships in associations
IEEE Member - Member
IEEE Computer Society - Member
The Research Council - Reviewer
Oman Society of Engineers - Member
OAQHE - BOD Member
Activities and News